Defensive Firearm and Safety Training
From first time beginner to advanced competitors and defenders, Practical Carry can build a new foundation of defensive skills or build on existing skills.
Summary of training courses delivered in North Austin Texas, Florence, Burnet & Lampasas ranges (Shady Oaks Gun Range, The Staccato Ranch, Reveille Peak Ranch Range and Austin Gun Club)
Home Defense, Threat detection and avoidance, introduction to firearms experience (shoot a variety of firearms safely), practical concealed carry techniques, traumatic first aid, license to carry (classroom+range or just the range portion on your schedule).
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What Level of training is right for you and your family?
Permitless Carry in Texas? Do you know the laws and regulations to keep you on the right side of the Police? How about a License to Carry so that you may take your weapon to other states that recognize reciprocity of our license? How about being a Teacher? Would you like to be certified to protect your students legally with your firearm? Do you have the situational awareness to avoid the need for a firearm? Maybe a bit of training around StopTheBleed in case of a traumatic accident and the need to provide life saving first aid? Watching a Movie or YouTube video to learn won’t do it - come face to face and learn. We can allow you to prove your skills using state of the art force on force training with Universal Training Munitions (UTM) to create the most stressful and realistic defensive situations possible (yes, it stings when you get shot, don’t get shot is the goal!).
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Key Certifications & Training
RangeMaster Credentialed Instructor, NRA & USCCA, Texas License to Carry Instructor, Texas School Safety Instructor, UTM Force on Force training center, StopTheBleed Traumatic First Aid Instructor, IPSC B Class Competitive Shooter. Texas Commissioned Security, Protection Officer and Private Investigator.
Texas License to Carry (LTC)
Texas LTC covers weapon safety, where one may and may not legally carry a weapon in Texas, Use of Force and Lethal Force, Safe Storage, Situational Awareness and Verbal De Escalation. Classroom and Range in one day or if you have done an online class - we can complete the Live fire qualification test one on one on your schedule. We also provide Texas School Safety (Armed Teacher) and Armed On-Duty First Responder Certifications.
Range Safety and Qualification
Training on proper range safety protocol and demonstration of practical shooting skills. For defense, for fun, to complete the Texas License to Carry range proficiency demonstration.